Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Analysis of Kant Essay - 896 Words

Analysis of Kant The philosopher Immanuel Kant wrote this passage in hopes that we understand the world better. Kant is trying to tell us that there are many things that evolve around this world and that every little single detail that we do makes the world what it is. In this passage Kant uses the term enlightenment which basically means its a form of being informed spiritually to us as humans where we must release what the world has set in sight for us and go through our own knowledge to live through life. Its basically forgetting about what others teach us or had planned for us to do and make up our own path where we therefore have our own freedom to†¦show more content†¦Kant mentions external direction from which it was long gone. This might mean the free will that we all possess, I believe that the world is not intended to be a fixed society where God has already set a path for all beings since he created this earth of ours. I do however believe that God has probably made a path for all individuals but only a positive path since God is only made of goodness within himself. Its the evil that opens up the free will and thats why God created the devil. God has given humans a choice either to do well or follow the path thats intended to be in store for that particular individual or commit the evil. God created the world so that he can see with his own eyes what he had created, whether his creation was worthwhile or a disappointment in Gods mind. So the free will that God has given to us is what makes the world as interesting as it is. In this picture we can see a man separated from two zones where one part of the body is in one end and the other on the other dominant end. Theres a rainbow like layer blocking the man from entering into the other zone. To my belief, its the inability of humans giving an extra effort to pass through into the Promised Land. Ever since God created the first humans Adam and Eve, Adam ate theShow MoreRelatedKant s Philosophy Of The State And Analysis Of Historical Summit1312 Words   |  6 PagesCompromised largely in Kant s ideas, Hegel s systemic philosophy of the State and analysis of historical summit of the body politic provides the foundation of Marxism and alike. Hegel declares the concept of state as superior to the individual. In his book Philosophy of History, he establishes Reason as the rational manifestation of world history which subsists in both natural and spiritual realms; But the Spirit, and the course of its development, is the substance of history (20). Reason asR ead MoreAnalysis of Kant ´s Ethnics, Punishment, and Dealth Penalty Essay1585 Words   |  7 Pagesthe most important word with respect to the death penalty. We will be looking at Kant’s ethics and his placed values on individuals as well as Kant’s theory of punishment and death penalty. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Economic Factors in the Decline of the Byzantine Empire Free Essays

â€Å"Economic Factors in the Decline of the Byzantine Empire† In this article taken from The Journal of Economic History, Peter Charanis discusses the factors that economically affected the decline of the Byzantine Empire. His discussion is based on the fact that past scholars, such as English historian Edward Gibbon who wrote The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, thought the Byzantine Empire was in a constant state of decline throughout its existence, but he disagrees. He says that more recent scholars have found that it was, in fact, one of the great empires in history. We will write a custom essay sample on Economic Factors in the Decline of the Byzantine Empire or any similar topic only for you Order Now He references to historians such as Fridtjof Nansen, author of L’Armenie et le proche Orient, who said that the Byzantine culture â€Å"is and will remain one of the most remarkable works of architecture, and if the Byzantine culture had created nothing but that, it would be sufficient to classify it among the greatest. † Charanis is convinced that most scholars today reject Gibbon’s theory, and this article discusses why he believes so. Because the Byzantine Empire endured for over a thousand years and was the center of civilization until the middle of the eleventh century, it could not be looked at as a constantly declining empire. According to Charanis, it preserved antiquity, developed new forms of art, and held back barbarians. Byzantium produced great soldiers, statesmen, diplomats, reformers, and scholars. It was also successful at spreading the gospel among pagan tribes. Charanis quotes Czech historian F. Dvornik who wrote Les Slaves byzance et Rome au IX saying Byzantium â€Å"molded the undisciplined tribes and made nations out of them; it gave to them its religion and institutions, taught their princes how to govern, transmitted to them he very principles of civilation – writing and literature. â€Å"Byzantium was a great power and a great civilizing force,† Charanis said. He believed that war and religion were the two principal factors that molded the society of the empire and determined its external position. Because war was a normal state during Byzantium’s thousand year existence, war was not a reason to believe that it was constantly declining. For example, in the seventh cen tury, the Sarcens, Slavs, and Bulgars reduced the empire greatly, but the seventh century emperors reorganized the administration of the empire to cope with the situation at hand. In the eleventh century however, the empire was not as fortunate to recover from certain military reverses that occurred. There were disastrous defeats that they never fully recovered from, and this is what finally led to the beginning of their decline. One very important factor, according to Charinis’ sources such as Russian historians’ books and works, were the conditions the Manzikerts left the empire in. It had such a huge impact on the social and economic life of the empire, and this was the basis of its virtual disappearance. Byzantium relied so fully on the social and economic aspect of their culture, that an attack to this was fatal. The Manzikert military aristocracy was far from what the Byzantines were accustomed to, and caused the soldiery-peasantry to decline which was a large part of their state. Up until this point, emperors were able to rework the empire and reorganize things so that Byzantium could thrive, but after their â€Å"large estate†, which had been a huge party of their society, was attacked, it was almost impossible. Charanis believes that the aristocracy that was put in place in the eleventh century was also another large factor of decline. Instead of being a social and economic based empire, it was a military aristocracy. The soldiers were the holders of the military estates, and the aristocracy absorbed the estates of the peasants. The focus of the emperors was the happiness of the soldiers and not of the peasants, or all the other people in the empire, and this was also a large source of decline in Byzantium. Once the emperors of the eleventh century realized that this system was not working quite as well, they tried to create an anti-military policy, which consummated a depression in soldiers. This entire struggle that occurred after the seventh century caused the empire to participate in a series of civil wars affected its sources and manpower, according the Charanis. Other serious factors that caused the decline were the weakening of the central administration, the failure to enforce measures of protection for the soldiery-peasantry, and the grants of privileges made to the aristocracy. It has been said that another reason for their decline was the strict controls they placed on commerce and industry, but Charanis disagrees and says it is extremely doubtful that this was their weakness. He backs up this argument by saying that when those controls were most strictly enforced, was when their empire was at its greatest. He goes on to say that the period of the greatest decline is marked by the breakdown of these controls. Tenth century Byzantine emperor Romanus Lecapenus wrote in one of his novels that the extension of power to the strong and the depression of power to the many would â€Å"bring about the irreparable loss of the public good. † Charanis agrees with him saying that â€Å"His prediction had come true. The disappearance of the free peasantry, the increase in the wealth, privileges, and power of the aristocracy, and the consequent depression of the agrarian population constitute, I think, some of the principal factors in the decline of the Byzantine Empire. † Charanis’ evidence is clearly all there and cited, but it is somewhat difficult to understand his references. They’re numbered at the bottom and his numbers are meant to further explain certain points throughout the article. Another problem I have with his evidence is that they are mostly books written by foreign authors, and I can’t read the titles. I believe that Charanis has clearly proven his point and thoroughly discussed his thesis; however, his argument was not extremely bold, because he is arguing one historian’s theory (Edward Gibbon), and agreeing with every other historian who believes the Byzantine Empire was great. His argument was more fact-based, and proven through certain points of notoriety throughout the existence of the empire, and his presentation of these points seemed unorganized. In fact I found the organization of this article to be somewhat confusing. He seemed to jump around from century to century and fact to fact. I believe it would have been much more efficiently written if he had discussed the certain centuries of the empire in chronological order. This also would have more effectively shown the factors that led up to the decline of the Byzantine Empire. Instead he jumped around discussing things that related to the factors, but not thoroughly discussing what order the things happened and why one led to the next. Charanis did not raise new questions in his argument. He simply argued Gibbon’s theory, and used other historians to back his argument up. In fact, most of the historians that Charanis used as references were quite old, for example, Fridtjof Nansen, a Norwegian author from 1928. No recent authors or suggestions were raised from Charanis’ article. I think that overall this article offered some very thorough and credible information about the decline of the Byzantine Empire, but since his original argument was that Gibbon was wrong, he should have used more examples of historians that supported Gibbons theory and argued their points as well. Though he had many historians to back up his argument, his thesis mentioned Gibbon. He definitely proved his point and listed many factors that caused the decline of the Byzantine Empire, but I would have liked to see less confusing organization and newer information that supported his argument. How to cite Economic Factors in the Decline of the Byzantine Empire, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Technology Effects free essay sample

â€Å"The fact is we didn’t get along well until photography came into its own. Then motion pictures in the early twentieth century. Radio. Television. Things began to have a mass. † This statement that Captain Beatty made while having a conversation with Guy Montag, was stating how the society had changed once the technology grew. Fahrenheit 451 is mainly about the effects of technology and its effects on humanity. It is also involves the topic, censorship, but that did not have much effect on the society as technology did. In fact it was because of the misusage of technology, censorship was even being focused on. In this society houses have parlour walls and in Montag’s house three of the parlour walls are covered with’ wall screens’ or large TV that covers the entire wall. Montag’s wife, Mildred, hardly ever stops watching them. Mildred’s favorite programs are the shows that involved scripts- she was given a script so that she could ‘become’ a part of the shows from her own living room. We will write a custom essay sample on Technology Effects or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page People in this society even called the actors on these programs their ‘family’. One day Montag was sick and he couldn’t handle the noise of the parlour, so he asked his wife to turn it off. Even in a situation like that she had rejected his request and replied, â€Å"That’s my family. † The TV separates one from the rest of the world. It even replaces the meaning of what family actually is. The society does not realize how this useless machine is hypnotizing people in dangerous way. Still there is a censorship that states owning and reading books are illegal. That does not even effect one- fourth of the society, because no one has time for it anyway. The majority of the society is too busy keeping up with all their TV programs. That is what is really affecting the people. In Fahrenheit 451, TV is not the only technology product that isolates someone from everyone else. Seashell Radios do it also. A seashell radio is a ear device that produces calm ocean sounds throughout the entire day. A person carried away with the relaxation of this cannot think about anything. And because they can’t hear other sounds , they don’t want to socialize with others. It allows them to be in their own world. With a device like the seashell radio, it is not reasonable to have a censorship idea that the people don’t have time to think. It is not that they actually don’t have time to think instead, they are simply not making time. If the seashell radio was not invented they more likely would have been able to think more.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Mysterious Bending of Trees Essay Example For Students

The Mysterious Bending of Trees Essay Birches, by Robert Frost, is an archetypical example of a Frost poem. Frosts poems are normally characterized by beautifully evocative descriptions of nature that form a very clear picture in the readers mind. On first reading, many of his poems seem to be just a portrayal of events that occur in nature. However, there is normally another deeper meaning to the poem, mostly relating to the human condition. Birches seems at first reading to be a description of how a line of birch trees becomes bent and bowed due to natures intervention, and then describes how Frost would rather have the trees becoming bent due to a little boy playing on them. Looking deeper into the meaning of the poem, Frost seems to be praising the resilience of the birch trees and also he describes how the young boy learns to amuse himself while he grows up. We will write a custom essay on The Mysterious Bending of Trees specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The first part of the poem describes what has actually happened to the trees, how they look and what caused the current bent over appearance. The birch trees have become bent over because of ice that has formed on the branches and leaves, which have, over a period of several years caused the trees to bend over. Frost describes how after rain has fallen on a winters day, ice forms on the branches, pulling them down with the weight of it. As the sun rises and warms the air, a breeze picks up which causes the ice to fall off the boughs and gather under the trees as if part of heavens dome had fallen to earth. This section of the poem is typical of Frosts vivid description of nature that he does so well in many of his poems. Frost does not seem to like this actual, colder version of the Truth. He would much rather the trees have reached their present bent over state because of the play of a young boy living on a farm. The boy lived too far from town to play sports with anyone, so he would have had to play by himself, making his own fun. This would seem to be a reflection on Frosts own New England upbringing, and he is narrating what he used to do when he was a boy, living on a farm away from town. He would climb to the top of his fathers birch trees and would overpower then one after another by bending them over with his weight and then jumping off before they would break. Eventually, the boy had vanquished the row of trees and they lined up, bent over, a testament to the boys loneliness growing up. In the last part of the poem, Frost reminisces about his own childhood, when he too was a swinger of birches. When he is tired of lifes tribulations he looks back o and yearns for the days when he would also play among the trees and enjoy himself. Frost seems to almost want to return to his youth, but asks that fate not take his request seriously, as deep down he would prefer to stay where he is in life. He would like to climb the trees again though, climb towards heaven and then fall down again, which would seem to be a satisfying way for him to pass the time. This poem is set in the countryside, much like where Frost grew up, so it is especially significant in providing the reader with a private picture into the poets childhood and how he matured. The poem has a cheerful tone throughout, first beautifully describing the birch trees then looking at a young boy playing amongst them. In this poem Frost makes use of his fooling to provide the reader with a descriptive picture of New England life which is also more than it seems, being a metaphor for his childhood life. .ue5a1be17726bba882642e160f2c9ad49 , .ue5a1be17726bba882642e160f2c9ad49 .postImageUrl , .ue5a1be17726bba882642e160f2c9ad49 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue5a1be17726bba882642e160f2c9ad49 , .ue5a1be17726bba882642e160f2c9ad49:hover , .ue5a1be17726bba882642e160f2c9ad49:visited , .ue5a1be17726bba882642e160f2c9ad49:active { border:0!important; } .ue5a1be17726bba882642e160f2c9ad49 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue5a1be17726bba882642e160f2c9ad49 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue5a1be17726bba882642e160f2c9ad49:active , .ue5a1be17726bba882642e160f2c9ad49:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue5a1be17726bba882642e160f2c9ad49 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue5a1be17726bba882642e160f2c9ad49 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue5a1be17726bba882642e160f2c9ad49 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue5a1be17726bba882642e160f2c9ad49 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue5a1be17726bba882642e160f2c9ad49:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue5a1be17726bba882642e160f2c9ad49 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue5a1be17726bba882642e160f2c9ad49 .ue5a1be17726bba882642e160f2c9ad49-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue5a1be17726bba882642e160f2c9ad49:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Macbeth - GUILTY EssayBibliography:

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Essay on The Differences between Saudi Arabia and Korea in culture

Essay on The Differences between Saudi Arabia and Korea in culture Essay on The Differences between Saudi Arabia and Korea in culture Essay on The Differences between Saudi Arabia and Korea in cultureCulture plays an important role in human life and life of society. Culture is a means of accumulation, storage and transmission of human experience. Individual becomes a personality and a member of society through socialization, ie mastering of knowledge, language, symbols, values, norms, customs and traditions of his social group, his people and all humanity. Culture brings people together, integrates them, and ensures the integrity of the community. Inhabitants of each country have their own culture, traditions, language, cuisine, art and clothing. Cultures of different countries such as Saudi Arabia and South Korea are very different, although they have a number of common features.Korean society is based on the principles of Confucianism, an ethical system that has been developed in China in 500 BC. One of the main principles of Confucianism is the principle of respect for parents, family, friends and those who hav e power. Confucius also attached great importance to the ideas of justice, peace, education, reform and humanism (Rones, 2008). Many Koreans believe that extraordinary success of their country in the last decade is due to such attitude towards life. In modern Korean society, Confucianism is most obvious in the relationship between people. Five Relationships rules prescribe certain standards of behavior between ruler and patrial, father and son, husband and wife, old and young, and between friends.Culture of Saudi Arabia is inextricably linked to Islam, as the two main shrines of Islam are situated here. Islam is a belief in one God and the Koran obliges people to serve the Lord. Five times a day Muslims pray, obeying the call of muezzin from minaret. Following another religion, dissemination of other religious literature, building churches, Buddhist temples or synagogues are prohibited (Long, 2005).Islam prohibits consumption of pork and alcohol. Traditional foods include grilled ch icken, falafel, shawarma, kebab, Koussa mahshi (stuffed zucchini) and unleavened bread hubz. Almost all the dishes are full of spices. Coffee and tea are among the favorite drinks of Arabs. Their drinking is often ceremonial. Arabs drink black tea with the addition of various herbs. Arabic coffee is famous for its traditional stronghold. It is drunk with small cups, often with the addition of cardamom (Harwood, 1978).The main Korean dish is rice, which goes with a variety of other dishes of vegetables, fish, seafood, soy, herbs and roots and flour products. A special place is taken by soups, often with pork, chicken, fish and cabbage with a lot of spices (Koreans, like Arabs, prefer spicy food, so there is red pepper in all their dishes). Soup is goes almost with any meal. Koreans also like meat. Today, pork and beef are the most popular among Koreans. Sea fish and other seafood are an integral part of cuisine of South Korea. They eat squid, seaweed, shells, crabs, sea cucumbers, e tc.Initially, Korean art was strongly influenced by Buddhism and Confucianism, the reflection of which can be found in traditional Korean paintings, sculptures, ceramics and porcelains, as well as in performing arts Korean tea ceremony, Korean dance puchhechhum and Korean opera pansori. Traditional music is very similar to the Japanese and Chinese, with a predominance of stringed instruments. The main genres are folk music and Jonggak minsogak. There are many types of folk dances, like dancing to drum (Mugo lively, mobile pair dance, during which participants keep drums in the neck), mask dances (talchum), dances of monks (seungmu) and spiritual cleansing dances (salpuri).The situation with music in Saudi Arabia is very different from Korea. Its development in the past decades as a means of artistic expression was negated by the ban imposed by the Council of Ulema for its performance in the entertainment purposes. There are not many performers of folk music and songs, and all of t hem are men. Among the most famous music artists we can name the first pop star of Saudi Arabia Abdul Majid-Abdallah and oud virtuoso (ud) Abadi Al Johar (Long, 2005). Egyptian pop music is popular in the country. The same strict ban is imposed on the images of human faces and figures in painting and sculpture, although it does not concern photograph. Art searches are limited to creating architectural ornaments such as friezes and mosaics, including traditional forms of Islamic art.In contrast to Saudi Arabia, fine arts are well developed in South Korea. In traditional painting we can see strong Chinese motives and elements of calligraphy, the most important feature in which are lines drawn with a brush. Most traditional sculpture is Buddhist, including statues and ornaments of pagoda. Shamanists have created wonderful pieces of woodcarving. In Seoul, there are several parks with artistic sculptures, in which modern sculptors exhibit their work. In Seoul, you can also see examples o f modern and traditional architecture, including the city gates and the Chosun era Dzheongbokgung Palace (Russell, 2012).The most important work of Korean literature is Samguk Yuza, written in the 12th century by monk Illion. Modern literature has dissident hue, many works are written by opposition-minded students and supporters of the environmental movement in Thai style. Koreans consider their language as an art form and are very proud of their font, Hangeul (Bleiker, 2002).In turn, Saudi Arabia has no literary tradition, comparable with the traditions of the Arab countries of the Mediterranean. Perhaps the only known Saudi writers are historians of the late 19th century, the most famous of which is Uthman ibn Bishr. Lack of literary traditions in Saudi Arabia is partly offset by deep-rooted tradition of oral poetry and prose, dating back to pre-Islamic times.The clothes of Saudis embrace national traditions and canons of Islam, avoiding excessive frankness. Clothing here is quite practical and meets all requirements of Islam. Usually men wear long shirts of wool and cotton (tavb) with Guthrie (cotton wrapped around the head). In those rare days when it is cool, men wear a cloak of camels hair. Women wear clothing decorated with folk ornaments and decorations made ​​of coins, beads and pottery. Unfortunately, only members of their families may see women in all their beauty, as when women go out, they wear a black cloak and a veil to protect their modesty (Akers, 2007).For millennia, hanbok is traditional Korean clothing. Beauty and grace of Korean culture is transmitted to the fine photos of Korean women dressed in hanbok. Before the advent of Western-style clothing in Korea about 100 years ago, hanbok was everyday attire for Koreans. Men wore jeogori (jacket) and pachzhi (pants), womens clothes was chogornn chima (skirt). Nowadays, hanbok is worn only in solemn and public holidays, such as the wedding day, Sollal (Lunar New Year) and Chuseok ( Harvest Day) (Young-Sub, 1998).So, culture, concentrating the best social experience of many generations of people, acquires the ability to accumulate a wealth of knowledge about the world and thereby create opportunities for learning and mastering it. Society is as intellectually developed, as how fully it uses rich knowledge contained in the cultural gene pool of humanity. Culture of Saudi Arabia and South Korea are very different due to different history and influence of different religions, but universal values are ​​inherent in both cultures.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Generalization Definition

Generalization Definition Generalization is the ability to use skills that a student has learned in new and different environments. Whether those skills are  functional  or academic, once a skill is learned, it needs to be used in multiple settings. For typical children in a general education program, skills that they have learned in school are usually quickly used in new settings. Children with disabilities, however, often have difficulty transferring their skills to a different setting from the one in which it was learned. If they are taught how to count money using pictures, they may be unable to generalize the skill to real money. Even though a child may learn to decode letter sounds, if they are not expected to blend them into words, they may have difficulty transferring that skill to actual reading. Also Known  As:  Community-based  instruction, learning transfer. Examples:  Julianne knew how to add and subtract, but she had difficulty  generalizing  those skills to shopping for treats at the corner store. Applications and Learning Exercises Clearly, special educators need to be sure that they design instruction in ways that facilitate generalization. They may choose to: Teach in different settings in the school.Use real coins to teach money.Take students into the community and give them tasks that require that they use their skills. How about a scavenger hunt at a grocery store? There, you can have students find prices for products on the hunt list.Play store. It gives your students opportunities to read, to add and subtract with a calculator, and to make change and count mixed coins.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Motivation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 9

Motivation - Essay Example Like other doctorate students, I joined the Walden University to pursue a doctorate in Business Administration-Healthcare Management. After my undergraduate studies, I thought that I had obtained all the knowledge that I needed to survive in the real world. However, I later realized that a single degree was not sufficient for me to handle the emerging and dynamic challenges of life. I realized that there were many concepts that were unfamiliar to me, and my desire for continued physical and intellectual stimulation was still hot in my mind. Further, there was a strong need to push myself beyond the limits by breaking through the challenges of doctorate education, and strengthen my coping capacities because education can become frustrating at times. According to Mujtaba et al. (2006), the comprehensive dissertation process and the complex exams are the climax of doctorate degrees. They consume a substantial amount of a student’s time and resources before successful completion. Doctorate studies increase the job potential of an individual  by orienting a student to research of high education, and business language and vocabularies (Mujtaba et al., 2006). Business administration course is a comprehensive field, which has many vocabularies and conceptual language that only experts can understand. Healthcare management is another complex field that requires people who are highly trained and competent professionals to run the activities in this field. My chief motivation for pursuing a doctorate in this field was the increasing demand for effective management of healthcare resources. This will ensure that citizens of this nation receive high quality health services, which will facilitate a decrease in the number of deaths caused by poor management. During the course of my study, I expect to gain sufficient insights into administrative concept like strategic planning, strategic production, distribution and

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Country Study on Malaysia Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Country Study on Malaysia - Term Paper Example 60 per cent of the population comprises ethnic Malays, 26 per cent of the population is Chinese while the rest are Indians and other indigenous races. Since 1971, Malays have witnessed positive discrimination and ethnic Chinese are wealthiest of all communities in Malaysia socially as well as politically whereas the Indians are the poorest. The global economic downturn has dented the economic prospects in Malaysia. The government introduced an economic stimulus plan worth $16bn in 2009 to deter the effect of the approaching recession (â€Å"Malaysia Profile†). Branding association of Malaysia The Branding Association of Malaysia was established in July 2000. It advocates unity between the member countries in order to identify solutions to policies and problems that are challenges to the brand. The Branding Association of Malaysia has contemplated the establishment of a branding association for the Asean countries so that brands’ needs across the region with respect to p roduct promotion and marketing can be addressed. Countries member of Asean include Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, Myanmar, Laos, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. President Datuk Eric Chong has suggested all member countries to establish their branding association by approaching small and medium enterprises and identify valuable brands: â€Å"We are ready to help Asean business associations to establish similar organisations like us. Currently, we are helping our friends in Thailand to set up a branding association† (Chong cited in â€Å"Branding Association†). Business communities can use the branding association in order to prepare for the 2015 Asean Economic Community. As an Asean member, Malaysia has taken effective measures for greater liberalization of trade among the member countries in 2003 to realize the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA). ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is another major trade initiative that strives for the achievement of economic and trade integration regionally by the year 2015 so that free flow of services and goods, capital and investment can be facilitated among the member countries. According to the research carried out by the World Trade Organization, benefits obtained from the trade facilitation reform would affect ASEAN significantly. For example, trade would be boosted by 7.5 per cent with the improvement in port facilities and by 5.7 per cent with the improvement of competitiveness in the sector of internet services in the region (â€Å"Doing business in† 16). Resources Malaysia is a resource-rich country. The two main exports of Malaysia are palm oil and petroleum. Petrol is nationalized and its revenues contribute up to 40 per cent of the annual governmental budget of Malaysia (Coca). The palm oil conglomerates in Malaysia are the world’s largest and make up 39 per cent of the palm oil production all over the world (Coca). Natural resources were almost a third of the total exports of M alaysia in 2012 (Coca). While the resource-rich countries conventionally experience the eruption of civil wars in them because of decreased dependence on the taxes for revenues and accordingly lesser accountability to the citizens, Malaysia is one such resource-rich country that has shown growth and stability by making correct use of its resources. Malaysia is located alongside the world’s busiest trade route i.e. the straights of Malacca. Malaysia

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The story of The Taming of the Shrew Essay Example for Free

The story of The Taming of the Shrew Essay How does each composers use of this story reflect the time in which each was composed?  Critical Response   The story of The Taming of the Shrew is one that raises important issues both in the classic Shakespearean text and in the modern appropriation 10 Things I Hate About You. Despite the differences in the style of language, medium used and the changed values, the idea behind the two is similar. In both texts, the story is of a wild girl, the shrew, who then goes through the process of being tamed by a man who is paid to marry her, or go out with her in the case of the film. The play is written by the great play writer, William Shakespeare, and the film is directed by Gil Junger. How women are viewed as and treated in society has changed over time and this is portrayed in the two different texts, and so is role of men. The nature of the relationship between men and women are also different between Shakespeares play and Jungers film. It is in the way that Shakespeare and Junger has composed each piece that differs it from each other, thus reflecting the difference in time and culture. The style of language used in the two texts is noticeably different. The Taming of the Shrew is a 16th century play written by the great William Shakespeare, whereas 10 Things I Hate About You is a modern appropriation of Shakespeares play. It is fairly obvious that there is a difference in the language style they have been written in different times and for different audiences. The Taming of the Shrew is written for an Elizabethan audience in the 16th century, who are used to Shakespeares style of writing, while Gil Jungers 10 Things I Hate About You is produced for a relatively younger audience and targeted to mainly high school students. The language style used has to suit the understanding levels of the targeted audience, and both texts fulfill that criteria. The style of language used reflect the time in which each was composed, the play is written in the 16th century with some of the other plays by Shakespeare and the film is made in the 20th century as it has modern dialogue. The only similarity they have in language style is when some characters in the 10 Things I Hate About You quote a bit of Shakespearean language and makes references to the play such as the school being named Padua High School. The form of the two texts are different as well, one is a classic five-act Shakespearean play compared to a 20th century teenage film. The different media show what time each was made in. The play is written in a period of time when going to the theatre was one of the only means of entertainment because cinemas and televisions have not yet been invented; the film is in full colour and also features a modern soundtrack therefore illustrating the fact that it was made more recently. Another obvious fact that shows the difference in time is that the values have changed between the time of Shakespeare and the 20th century. In The Taming of the Shrew, all women are supposed to act in the same way, like Bianca in the play, who is gentle and passive. In 10 Things I Hate About You, there are two clear perceptions of the women of the time, one who is still gentle but less passive and the other is independent and has a mind of her own. Both perceptions of women in the film are accepted in our post-feminist society, females have a stronger voice in the world but males still have more of dominance. Despite this, the plot has been changed to fit our post-feminist society, we would not allow or accept a woman to undergo total submission to a man. Women are no longer expected to attend on everything their husbands tell them to do and can have opinions of their own, and also be heard in the world compared to being conformists in the 16th century patriarchal society. Kat in the film is strong and actually has power the girls in the opening scene are afraid of her, she breaks school rules, she is able to talk back to her father, and she is able to walk away and leave her formal date near the end of the film. She is different and a non-conformist whereas in the play Katherina is tamed by the end of the play. The society now is one that accepts individualism. This shows that the role of women has changed significantly four centuries later, and values and context has changed but women are still more like Bianca, both in the play and film. The role of men in society has not changed as much as the role of women. Men do not conform to the standards of the society and they do not need to, as they are not expected to do so. In both texts, we can clearly see how the man constructs himself in the different characters. The audience gets a clear view of the role of men in society in both the play and the film. The nature of the relationship between men and women is similar but with just a little difference from the play to the film. In both, there is the sense of using money as a means of motivation to get Petruchio, or Patrick Verona in the film, to go for the shrew. In The Taming of the Shrew, Petruchio goes for Kate because of the dowry her father has to offer and Hortensio, who is a suitor to Bianca, makes an offer to pay Petruchio to go for Kate. In 10 Things I Hate About You, Patrick Verona is paid by Joey Dona, who wants Bianca for himself, to ask Kat out. Although money is involved in both texts, in the film Patrick falls for Kat, as being a shrew in the 20th century is more accepted and he does not seem to mind her being an individual. In the play, Kate is entirely tamed by Petruchio and has no say in any matters. This again shows that females in the 20th century are freer to do what they please. Lastly, another element that varies in the two texts is the role of the father. In Shakespeares play, Baptista plays the paternalistic role that has all power and authority over his two daughters; all the rules are enforced by him. In 10 Things I Hate About You, Kat and Biancas father is still trying to exercise this power and authority but he is more humane and allows rules to be altered according to the situation, and Bianca is allowed to date when Kat does because he believes Kat to be more mature and independent. In conclusion, the issues that are raised in the story of The Taming of the Shrew are carried onto the modern appropriation 10 Things I Hate About You. However, the two composers use different techniques, such as the style of writing and medium that differ from each other in the two texts. They also incorporate the values of the society at the time into their works, which means the latter version of the story has altered values and context because the society we live in now has since evolved from the Elizabethan times. Through the different elements used, each text reflects the time and culture in which it was composed.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

paper -- essays research papers fc

Embryonic Stem Cell Research What if there was a way to cure previously in-curable diseases with the help of something in the very first stages of human life, but thousands upon thousands of lives had to be taken to perfect the use of this material? That is exactly what is happening with embryonic stem cells around the world. Pro-life activists, who originally organized to stop the abortions of unborn fetuses, were most angered with the process of actually destroying an embryo solely for research purposes. However, scientists, such as Dr. Andrew Yeager of the University of Pittsburgh, argue that embryonic stem cells are the future of medicine. â€Å"This is really where, I think, so much of biomedicine is going to be going in the twenty first century†, states Yeager. Embryonic stem cells are a new and exciting medical advance that should be researched, but the biomedical technology of the future is not worth the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives now. Although the actual procedure of retrieving stem cells from embryos is highly complicated and scientific, the ideology is quite simple. The study of stem cells that were taken from human embryos has been around since the early nineties, but until the summer of 1998, a majority of the country had been none the wiser. The country’s â€Å"non-knowledge† of this very promising medical technology may have been a blessing in disguise. With the story rapidly hitting newsstands and telecasts around the country, pro and anti-research rallies were the top headlines. Literally defined, embryonic stem cells are â€Å"undifferentiated, or unspecified cells that are unlike any other adult cell†(Stem Cells: A primer). They are unique because they are totipotent, or have the ability to form into almost any of the 220 cell types in the human body. Embryonic stem cells are taken from the blastocyst, the name given to the stage of the embryo when it is four to six days old. The bla stocyst consists of two cell masses; the first is an outer â€Å"wall† of cells that are already specified and will grow to become placental tissue and membrane. The inner mass, however, is a large group of unspecified stem cells that can be manipulated and eventually used for the treatment of diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and Diabetes. Not only do stem cells show promise for cures to these diseases, but also they also offer hope for the sufferers and ... ...for their own rights now or people fighting for the future rights of those who have no voice now. Embryonic stem cells are an important part of science today, shedding new light on the dark secrets of the human body, but the research alone is not worth scientists playing God or thousands of innocent lives being lost. Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Medical Advance or Moral Surrender? Heather Zinser Communications 12 December 5th, 2001 Senior Research Paper Hour 4 Ms. Boll Bibliography â€Å"Stem Cell Research†. Online. Available at www.uspoitics.about.com/cs/stemcellresearch Reaves, Jessica. â€Å"Stem Cell Research: Both sides of the debate†. Online. Available at http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,167254,00.html â€Å"Holy Grail†. Online. Available at http://www.cbsnews.com/now/story/0,1597,319351-412,00.shtml â€Å"Stem Cells: The Basics†. Online. Available at http://www.cbsnews.com â€Å"Stem Cells: A Primer†. National Institute of Health. Online. Available at http://www.nih.gov/news/stemcell/primer.htm Lee, Patrick and George, Robert P. â€Å"Why Killing Embryonic Human Beings is Wrong†. Online. Available at http://www.prolifeinfo.org/stemcell028.html

Monday, November 11, 2019

Social networks

Just a year's ago the idea of social networks was revolutionary. Social network is a place where people go to connect with their friends, family, and love ones, some even use it to made new friends. Social networking service is a Web site that allows individuals to construct a public or semi-public profile. Social networking consist of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flickr, Tumbler, Pinterest, My space, Youtube, Google+, it's a getaway or an easy way to communicate. But can it be good Hi5, FaceTime etc†¦. thing to socialize through?The social networks has its pros and cons all depending n how you decide to use it. I myself use this kind of communication to stay connected with people. Without a doubt, the best reason to Join any social networking site is that it lets you make connections with other people. You can use social networking sites to stay up to speed with what your friends are doing. Social networks help us to made our society better in an away. Many of us are now able to once again connect with friends and relatives from far and wide without having to waste money paying for international phone calls.We can also share elements of our life, from what we enjoy o photos of ourselves and those in our lives. It is like being a part of that person's world, even though distance keeps you apart. At least one month I talk to my grandma in Dominican Republic by Skype, it help me to feel like I'm their next to her. This wed sides help to crimine-solving. The NYPD investigate gang-related crimes on social media networks. Recently, the NYPD nabbed about 60 gang members who boasted about violent criminal activity on social media (Samantha Rupert, 2013).Another good example, The police was able to find the bother and dad of the guy that aused the Boston massacre throughout Facebook. Social media has made it possible for like minded individuals to discuss important topics, widen their personal knowledge and discover things they never knew before. For example, you ng people around the world are now more involved than ever in their countrys politics. The last presidential elections in the US are proof of that. Social media has contributed to that increase in a big way. However, social networks help to promote your business.Million Americans received help with major life issues (changing Jobs, finding a new place to live, buying car, and caring for someone with an illness) from people in their social networks or advertisement. Many social networking sites like Myspace and Facebook make it easy to organize an event and invite your friends. Some sites allow you to group friends using different criteria, including geographic location. Last year with a couple of click in Facebook, I invite my friends and family to my birthday party and find the perfect outfit for that special day. Several social networking sites also act as application platforms.You can find dozens of applications ranging from quizzes to games to estaurant review programs. This wed sides can be really helpful! Whether it's via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, social media plays a major part in thing-primarily because it takes us away from what's really important in life. Like the way it has allowed us to hide behind screens and limited our social interaction face to face. Just think of how many people you have on your Facebook friends list. How many of them do you see on a semi-regular basis? At all? Thanks to the social networks we are more likely to spend more time in our phone than with our family.When I take the train at least 6 of 10 people are using their phones. Statistics of 2013 said that 4. 2 billion people use their mobile device to access social media sites and 79% of smartphones owners use their phone at least 2 hours at day (Fast Company, 2013). Perhaps the biggest online social networking drawback is that it makes identity theft easier. On the other hand, if you share too much you may discover that someone else is using your identity. They might even be destroying your credit rating or attempting to access your e-mail or financial information.The phenomenon of social networking has taken todays youth culture by storm. At the same time, it has raised serious concerns about the security and privacy of the teenagers. Social medias are the reason of online predators, cyber bullying, ruined reputations, and other dangers have parents fearing the worst and wondering how to talk to their kids about the issue. What's a parent to do? â€Å"As a parent, probably the best thing we can do for our teens is try to provide a solid example of how to balance our personal and our digital lives,† Vartabedian said. l think this technology is all ere to stay. It's not going anywhere but the relationship that we share with that technology is something that we can influence and we can influence early on in life. † I agree with Vartabedian, because the social networks are really popular and everyday is a new one. As a parents we need to understand that our kids will use it without permission or without it. The Technology always will be to assess of our kids, we Just need To teach them the right way. The statistics in social networks of 2013 show that over 5 million Facebook users are under the age often.This is a stunningly large umber, which shows that young children have easy access to social media ( Mark scot, 2013). Social networks can be used for positive activities, like connecting kids with friends and family, helping students with school, and for entertainment. But these tools can also be used to hurt other people. one of the biggest problems of social networks is cyber bullying affects many adolescents and teens on a daily basis. Cyber bullying involves using technology, like cell phones and the Internet, to bully or harass another person.Cyber bullying can be very damaging to adolescents and teens. It can lead to anxiety, depression, and even suicide. Also, once things are circulated on the Internet, they may never disappear, resurfacing at later times to renew the pain of cyber bullying. One famous example of Cyber bullying was 2010 – University student Tyler Clementi Jumped to his death off a bridge in September. Clementi's sexual encounter with another man in his dorm room was video streamed on the internet by his roommate and a hallmate.After the roommate's second attempt to record another of Clementi's sexual encounters, Clementi committed suicide (ABC News). On the one hand, the online predators is another problem that the society is Internet to steal personal information or search for victims. Crimes that involve online predators include kidnapping and child sex abuse. At least 1. 8 million children are used in commercial sex, many sold into sexual slavery by poor families and others abducted and trafficked into brothels (International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children).The UN reports that 79% of human trafficking is sexual exploitation (International Centr e for Missing ; Exploited Children, 2009). Catfish is omeone who pretends to be someone they're not using Facebook or other social media to create false identities, particularly to pursue deceptive online romances. The term â€Å"catfish† is derived from the title of a 2010 documentary film, in which filmmaker Nev Schulman discovers that woman he'd been carrying on an online relationship is a fake profile. There's a good show in MTV that is called â€Å"Catfish† were Max and Joseph help people to meet persons that they have a relationship online.For example, the episode of last week was about one guy that gave his credit card umber to the girl that he had a relationship online. Max and Joseph help him to meet her and the guy discover that she was a man. Sometime this people that made a fake profile, because the social networks & media created a certain image of how you supposed to look. The main reason of this fake profiles is because they don't feel good about themsel ves and the feeling they don't going to be accepted by the society by the way they look. Clay Shirky said, â€Å"Our social tools are not an improvement to modern society, they are a challenge to it. â€Å"

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Global Warming: Fact or Fiction?

Global Warming: Fact or Fiction? Is global warming taking place? Are humans the cause of it? Lately these questions are being asked more and more by people who believe that the earth's climate is growing steadily warmer at an alarming rate. Our planet's ever-changing climate has captured the attention of those who would have us agree that without drastic modification of our behavior, we will ultimately destroy the world in which we live.However, these activists are using scare tactics based upon inadequate information acquired from unreliable sources to promote their agenda, and this theory of human-caused global warming is refuted by science and logic. The popular belief that global warming is the effect of human activity is erroneous and unsupported by scientific evidence. Environmental activists believe that our burning of fossil fuels and increased output of carbon dioxide or â€Å"greenhouse† gases have aided the apparently human-provoked global warming process.However, a ccording to the National Center for Policy Analysis, human-produced carbon dioxide could have only played a small role in this warming. H. Sterling Burnett states that the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has only increased twenty-eight percent over the past 150 years, and most of this increase took place before the year 1940, which is prior to most human-emitted carbon dioxide. Burnett goes on to say that poll results show â€Å"only 17 percent of the members of the Meteorological Society and the American Geophysical Society think that the warming of the 20th century has been a result of greenhouse gas emissions. Some U. S. climatologists believe that the apparent warming trend we have been experiencing over the past few years may be in part due to improper placements of weather surface stations. These stations, sited in various locations all over the United States, serve to collect data concerning our climate. Although strict guidelines govern where these stations shoul d be located, Surface Stations. org, a website dedicated to surveying the stations, shows that our nation's surface stations are not meeting these requirements.This website displays photographs of surface stations that are positioned beside airport runways, large industrial areas, and sewage treatment plants; all of which distort temperature readings. One station in Forest Grove, Oregon, is placed directly behind an air conditioning unit, which continually blows hot air onto the surface station meter. I think everyone would agree that this causes the station's temperature readings to increase. Laurie David, writer and global warming activist, argues that

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Thomas Jefferson v.s. Patrick Henry essays

Thomas Jefferson v.s. Patrick Henry essays The Declaration of Independence and the Speech in the Virginia Convention compare and contrast in content, format, and persuasive techniques. The content of the Declaration was to attack the King of Britain where as the Speech in the Convention was to attack the people of Britain. The format of Henrys excerpt was that is was a speech and was not written down for a record. Jefferson had written a document to keep and save. The persuasive technique of both was good because of the powerful words they used. Both stories were good and persuaded the people. The content of Patrick Henrys Speech in the Virginia Convention discussed how they wanted to fight the people of Britain. Henry was very patriotic to his country. No man thinks more highly then I do of the patriotism, as well as abilities, ... Patrick wanted the colonists to stand up and fight for what they believed in. Thomas Jefferson wanted to fight the King of Britain because he was injuring the people of America. If the King of Britain is gone, all the pain and suffering would be gone. Although Henry and Jefferson have their differences, they both wanted war against Britain. The format of Thomas Jefferson excerpt was different than other speeches because it also is a document. Jeffersons document was later then edited and made different to fit the needs of the people. The document was also to be seen again in later use. Henrys excerpt was actually a speech and a one-time subject. His speech was made to move people and persuade. Both excerpts had great words and both told about being free from the pain the Britains were outputting. Jefferson and Henry both had differences in format. In persuasive techniques, both, Patrick and used great powerful words. I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death. , ... we mutually pledge to each other our lives, out fortunes and our ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Business Ethics as Related to The De Beers Company and Employee Rights Essay Sample

Introduction Business moralss is defined as the norms or criterions of behavior that direct moral picks about the behaviour of the forces in a concern association and the association with the members of the populace. The end of concern moralss is to guarantee the safety of the employees. direction. and the external populaces are protected from enduring the effects from the concern activities of the peculiar organisation. Social duty along with concern moralss outlines what the house ought to make in the running of the concern. The societal duty of a concern organisation towards the society deserves considerations in all the stages of strategic disposal. whereby the organisation must exert strategic planning through environmental and organisational assessment in order to supply replies to what an organisation might make and what it can make. ( Maund. 2001 ) Discussion The constitution of a concern or company entails coming up with concern rules or ethical motives that must be followed. These concern rules may include how the concern behavior or transacts its concern and how it deals with its clients or consumers. Business moralss besides entails the employee’s rights and their behavior as expected in their responsibilities to the company. The De Beers Company is involved in diamond geographic expedition. diamond excavation and diamond trading. For the De Beers Company I am traveling to turn to the undermentioned ethical issues ; the company’s place on merchandising of struggle diamond. legal issues. popular civilizations. runs and its place on man-made diamonds. Some of the employee’s rights I am traveling to discourse will include the labours criterions. wellness and safety every bit good as environment. The industries system of guarantees is besides another ethical issue that I will turn to under this subject. All this issues contribute greatly to the success of the concern ends and aims. Over the recent yesteryear. De Beers Company has played a cardinal function in selling conflict diamonds from those countries that had diamond struggle due to the rebellions. In the 1990s De Beers Company came up with a policy which applied to all of Africa which was merely to purchase those diamonds that were lawfully traded and which the company believed it were non used to fund Rebel groups in those excavation countries. This was their public place while they were really purchasing struggle diamonds and funding those rebel groups for illicit trade. They were so much involved in get downing wars through the Rebels so that the Rebels could acquire their work forces to mine and research for diamond and sell this diamond at a lower or cheaper monetary value to them. This is a large unethical concern issue since the Rebels are non allowed to come in into trade or concern for illegal trade of diamonds. They were besides involved in offense against humanity as many lost their lives durin g the Rebel wars and this is unethical to concern projects. ( Edward. 1982 ) The other major ethical issue that affects the De Beer Company is the unfavorable judgment on monopoly of the diamond industry. Monopoly is a large concern ethic issue that the company is confronting which is illegal. The diamond market is dominated by De Beer’s companies which were originally formed in South Africa by British proprietors. De Beers now owns about 70 per centum of diamond mines in Africa and a household of companies jointly which is responsible for around 40 per centum of universe diamond production by value in the market. The even per centum partnership trade between De Beers and the authorities of Botswana is the world’s taking manufacturer of diamonds in the market. The supply of diamonds worldwide is controlled merely by De Beers therefore basking a monopoly in Botswana and about near monopoly in diamond supply in the remainder of the universe. Some other diamond mines owned by little companies have less control on the diamond market and this is unet hical in concern. Monopoly is non allowed in concern ; nevertheless. the codification of moralss merely allows 50 per centum of the market monopoly and non all monopoly on the market. This suppresses the little graduated table concerns in the market by even holding control over the monetary values of the market. It besides leads to run outing the resource of the developing states such as Botswana for case through suppression of the mine workers who are lowly. In any concern puting monopoly is non allowed at all and steps should be put in topographic point to avoid such sort of market by any company. De Beers through its gross revenues and selling publicities has been really successful in increasing gross revenues and desire for diamonds. One of the run schemes is that it has been trying to deter diamond proprietors from seting their older diamonds into the secondary market and therefore restricting competition. Since 1947 the company has created many successful runs on how to increase the sale of diamonds. One of the most effectual schemes undertaken by De Beers Company has been the selling of diamonds as a symbol of love and committedness such as the ideal gem for an battle or marrying ring. Another run that the De Beers Company has been involved on is that of HIV Aids bar and control. Bing a planetary company that has many employees throughout the Earth and some of them has been affected so much by the stigma. the company has come out to assist control and halt the stigma. The company through its public assistance activities to its employees and community at big has come out g reatly to battle the stigma through runs that educate people and give wellness attention support for those already affected by the deathly disease. Since the 1950s. it has been possible to make synthesized diamonds in a research lab other than the original natural diamond. These research labs have been able to make diamond rocks that are used for many industrial intents such as for abradants in heavy responsibility boring. It is now besides possible to bring forth research lab created synthetics that are identical optically from mined diamonds even by professional sellers therefore doing them suited for jewellery. These are by and large colored treasures that offer colourless man-made diamonds. This has resulted to the monetary values of the original diamond of the company that it mines to travel down since the competition is really high in the market topographic point as people tend to prefer synthesized diamond that serve the same intent in the market. This is a large menace to the company and it has to run against production of such synthesized diamond that is illegal in the market since it has a great consequence to their gr oss revenues in the market. The company hence ought to get down runs on this illegal trade of synthesized diamond that is unethical harmonizing to the diamond concern. The other legal issue that is of great concerned to the company is who controls or repair the monetary values of diamond in the market so that there is no monopoly in this planetary diamond market or industry. This is a large issue that affects the De Beer’s codification or rules of trade to the market greatly because they may non command the market monetary values. In 2004 the De Beers paid a $ 10 million mulct to the Department of Justice of United States to settle a 1994 charge that the corporation had entered in to with General Electric Company to procure the worth of industrial diamonds. De Beers reached an understanding in the twelvemonth 2005 and a preliminary blessing order was issued to settle the bulk of civil monetary value repairing suits filed against the company in the United States. Such colony of jurisprudence suits does non affect any admittance of liability on the portion of De Beers but it will convey an terminal to all outstanding category actions. This leg al issue on who should command the monetary values of the diamonds in the market continues to be a great issue that affects the concern markets and gross revenues vastly of the company. ( Davis. 2007 ) De Beers Company over the yesteryear has been involved in illegal trade of diamond by funding the Rebels to mine diamonds for them and besides supported the wars so that they could freely merchandise and get diamond without the intercession of authorities. It is besides unethical for a company to prosecute itself in illegal covering that does non run into the specifications set out in concern Acts of the Apostless. For illustration. Rebels forced people in the illegal diamond excavation which is a misdemeanor against the human rights or employees rights. The people were forced to work under rough conditions and for long hours without nutrient or H2O which was a misdemeanor of their rights. Children were besides used mine in the excavation evidences that were non environmental friendly to them which was a misdemeanor of kids rights under any concern moral principle. All this was due to the illegal concern moralss De Beer got involved itself in with the Rebels. De Beers is active in every class of diamond excavation which includes open-pit. belowground. large-scale alluvial. coastal and deep sea. Some of these environments are non contributing for the workers or employees to work for illustration working in the resistance or big scale alluvial therefore the employees need to be protected or insured against such hazards. They besides need protective cogwheels to protect them against hurts and the risky environment the work under. The concern moralss ensures that all this is catered for and all employees’ rights are protected. De Beers Company is on the record utilizing dust suppression method of spraying H2O when boring which violates their rights because dust in a diamond mine can cut and mark the lungs of miners. This is a large hazard and particularly to the workers non protected by usage of protective cogwheels or being insured when such hazards occur. These belowground mines besides posed great hazards of prostration and so the company under concern codifications should guarantee that the mines follow process in boring such mines so that they don’t pose any danger to the employees. Health and safety are among the major concern moralss issues that are concerned to protect their employee’s rights in any company or concern. Labors criterions are besides portion of the concern ethical issues where workers demands have to be addressed for illustration wages should be standardized for them to be able to gain a good life. However. the company besides has some benefits like the retirement strategies and wellness insurance strategies. The wage they earn should be able to prolong them to bask a good life and their criterion could besides be improved by supplying lodging installations. The labours criterions should besides be improved by holding standard working hours to avoid overworking of the workers particularly those in th e mines. The working environment should besides non be risky to the workers and all mines should be safe for mining to take topographic point. There are many alternate solutions to work outing the jobs affecting concern moralss as stated above. The first solution is whereby De Beers warrants that a 100 per centum of the diamonds it now sells are conflict free. All De Beer’s diamonds are purchased in conformity with national jurisprudence. the strategy of Kimberley Process Certification and its ain Diamond Best Practice Principles that is harmonizing to the company are normally followed. De Beers is active in the Kimberley Process which aims to extinguish conflict diamonds from universe diamond flows. On the other manus Diamond Development Initiative should take to turn to the political. societal and economic challenges confronting the little graduated table informal diamond excavation sector and to optimise the good development impacts of little graduated table formal diamond excavation to mineworkers. The De Beers does this through advancing the development of sustainable concern theoretical accounts supported by de velopment undertakings. ( Fisher. 2002 ) In order to hold control of the monetary values in the market. De Beers should offer injunctive alleviation which includes a general committedness to follow with the antimonopoly Torahs of the United States. and a committedness non to prosecute in specific behavior with 3rd party manufacturers and Sight holders. For illustration in the twelvemonth 2006 De Beers Company voluntarily entered into lawfully adhering committednesss with the European Commission ( EC ) to discontinue buying unsmooth diamonds from Alrosa. However. the De Beers Company no longer controls the monetary values and besides no longer monopolizes the market by holding the 70 per centum of the sells. The authorities should besides command the monopoly and put up policies to let the little graduated table companies to sell their diamonds without leting the large companies to take control. The Botswana and South Africa states should ordain Torahs to forestall these companies from working them and from ruling the market s but besides assisting the little graduated table companies. The solution to issues on heath should besides be imposed by the company and the authorities in order to follow all healthy steps put in topographic point in any concern. For illustration De Beers presently holds a legal freedom in South Africa from the compulsory dust suppression method of spraying H2O when boring on the evidences that the dust in its mines is uniquely harmless ; a scenario which might non keep if it is considered profoundly. Such a step will forestall dust in a diamond mine from cutting and impacting the lungs of miners who are exposed to this risky environment. These steps should be enacted and any concern that breaks such jurisprudence should confront effects of action caused. This will heighten the preparation of concern moralss by different companies that attentions for their workers or employees welfare. The production of synthesized Diamond is another job that needs to be resolved that is to extinguish this merchandises from the market. As portion of De Beers’ and Diamond Trading Corporation enterprise to work out this job they came up with the Gem Defensive Program as an instrument to be used by trade and gemological research labs that can observe all interventions. synthetics and simulates diamond merchandises. The two companies besides financess educational plans about interventions that can alter the visual aspect and other belongingss of diamonds and anterooms for all diamond interventions and synthetics to be labeled in such a mode. These activities are undertaken in cooperation with taking trade organic structures as a agency of guaranting full and accurate information is provided to consumers of the merchandises. This Defensive Program will be able to assist place this illegal synthesized diamonds that is being flooded in the market and being made available in the mar ket at a lower monetary value than the original diamond. The concern moralss do non let forgery merchandises into the market and hence De Beers should keep itself from such a pattern ; this will guarantee that all merchandises supplied to the market will be of good quality and of original beginning so that its worth to the consumers for desired usage. The authorities should inspect all mines for safety working status free from fright of prostration and risky environment. Safety steps should be amended and guarantee that they are followed for the Torahs surfs to confront effects. ( Fisher. 2002 ) Diamond is a cherished resource as a symbol of love and commitment hence concern moralss must be held in order to construct a feasible foundation and committedness for concerns and at the same clip protect all employees’ rights in any organisation. Decision The extent of concern moralss is considered extended and can be measured from diverse point of views. In this instance the firm’s direction must do certain that a figure of ethical considerations must be nonsubjective for the concern to be booming in its maps and associations with its human resources and the milieus of its company. Corporate communicating hence must be adhered to and it is termed as a procedure that is used to smooth the advancement of the exchange of information and facts of the endeavor with its internal and external populaces or persons that have a direct relationship with the organisation. This activity is by and large practical in the internal communications direction as it is utilized from the distribution of the comprehension to determination doing with human resources. traders. investors and the company’s associates. Therefore. corporate communicating as a regulation is used to construct the company’s position among its stakeholders. This communicating entails the followers: transmutation direction. capable direction. concern societal duty. exigency communicating and internal connexions. ( Sparrow and Hilltop. 1994 ) Mention Davis. J. ( 2007 ) : The New Diamond Age- Wired Issue diary. Vol. 2 Edward. J. ( 1982 ) : The Diamond Invention: – Diamond Trading Company diary. Vol. 1 Fisher. D ( 2002 ) : De Beers plans war on man-made Gems- Times Publishers Maund. L. ( 2001 ) : An Introduction to Human to Human Resource Management: – Theory and Practice: Macmillan. Palgrave Sparrow. P and Hilltop. J ( 1994 ) : European Human Resource Management in Passage: – Prentice Hall. New York

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Psychology of Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

The Psychology of Marketing - Essay Example Several studies have been conducted to identify the base on which to draw ideas regarding attachment as a characteristic of individual-material object relationships. Stacy and Moreau (2006) argue that individuals feel less connected to certain objects than to others. Additional studies requiring participants to list possessions they value according to order of preference deduct that possessions listed topmost form a larger part of the self than the possessions which are lowly listed or not listed at all. It is for this reason that it can be deduced that people have certain possessions that they have a strong attachment towards as compared to others.Another study by Wallendorf and Arnould (1988) on Nigerians and South-western Americans found out that the link between a person and an object can be reflected in the cultural beliefs of the person. Some objects in both communities had been held by individuals as valued possessions. Another social culture study by Csikszentmihalyi and Roch berg-Halton in 1981 on Chicago residents found that male participants had little attachment to household possessions as compared to females.Researchers have proven it true that the possessions each and every person have are linked to them in some way which is why we buy a commodity that will exhibit the needs and/or wants of each person. Many measure other people via what they possess, the house they occupy, the car they drive, among other things; which makes the setting up of particular material goals a common thing all through the lives of people. All of us keep certain materials close to us and treasure them even when time has passed since their value was recognized. All this materials that we value pose as a representation of particular things for a given reason, in some cases; the cherished things are usually worth of giving up while in other cases, they represent things in one’s life that are almost or totally impossible, in short, the things we have developed a strong attachment with. Particular possessions are kept to help someone reflect upon their past selves or used as a remembrance of most valued persons or events in their lives. The attachment that exists between human beings and their possessions is a common experience among consumers yet the source of the attachment and what the attachment really is are less understood. At this stage, it is important to view attachment as a human-possession association. The current market place is full of thousands of advertisements every now and then which makes it hard to get to attract the attention of the target client so that they can see your ad(s). In order for this to happen, the marketer must have a detailed understanding of the client so that the advert created speaks a direct and effective message that the client sees as important and not what the marketer sees as important. It is vital for the marketing section of an organization to reach out to the people and inform them that they care about their thoughts and what is significant in their lives. Psychological marketing is better understood if an understanding of the saying â€Å"people do not want your product or service† is better too (Elliott, Rundle-Thiele, and Waller, 2011). They will always want you to give those answers, solutions, pathways, or secret openings to the desires of their hearts yet they do not want to pay for them. Why do they pay? The answer to this question can only be